What To Do?

1. READ jejune (naive and simplistic) views and advise; 2. CHUCKLE, agree, or disagree; 3. COMMENT without fear of retribution 4. KNOW that I appreciate readership!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Things you Never Think About

It is important to let go of all thought and be still on a regular basis.  I am not talking about zoning out and staring at your new plasma, but purposely NOT thinking about anything.  I will admit, this takes a lot of practice.  But if you are one of those people who can't stop thinking and shut your head off, not even for a moment, maybe you need something new to think about.  This week's blog features crazy contests, obtrusive people, weird politicians, and strange vocabulary words for your repatuer.

1.  Weird Politicians (other than former Il. Gov. Blagojevich)
If you are skeptical or interested in how Obama's proposed $800 billion stimulus package is going to be spent, you can track it (if it is approved) at www.recovery.org.  Even though there is no approval for this package yet, there is already a website!  Got to love the enthusiasm.  If you are interested in what Obama is up to, you can watch a weekly address by video at www.whitehouse.gov.  As soon as you hit the enter key, you can't avoid it!  Here you will also find blogs, not that you can leave a comment, but blogs nonetheless.

Last, if you venture into whitehouse.gov, be sure to check out the OPL-IGA page (Office of Public Liaison and Intergovernmental Affairs) and leave a comment.  Yes, that's right, you can be part of the policy process by leaving a vague or detailed comment about current or pending policy.  This is the government's attempt to get Americans involved in the process or to give the Secret Service a bigger database, not sure which one.  Although it is not interactive, there is a promise that the web page will grow.

2.  Crazy Contests.
Enter a writing competition. Did you ever hear of the Universal Postal Union? They actually have a writing competition. I wish the theme was something like "What is the meaning of 'going postal' and explain why?" Hee hee.

Reader's Digest has a writing competition as well. You could be the lucky winner of $100 worth of Reader's Digest books while you pay your entry fee so they can disseminate your story all over the world for free!  Can't wait to get screwed.

3.  Obtrusive People
Maybe you know someone who is or maybe it is loud and forceful, or maybe it is you.    Last week I apparently was obtrusive as I was performing a task that really requires no skill or thought, but happen to cross paths with someone who finds everyone obtrusive.  It has made me acutely aware of the small space we all work in together.  Now I am working hard to walk around very quietly, not share my personal conversations in any way in the office, and to be more aware of my actions.  How do you affect people around you?  

In an effort to still be pleasant, interact with humans, and basically fulfill my word quota every day, I am blogging more.  This has helped a lot!

4.  Strange Vocabulary
Think of some words you like or enjoy saying, but don't know what they mean or how to use them.  My words today are "epiphany" "abominable" "fervent" and "nomenclature."  So many words so little time.

Have a great week pondering!


Monday, January 19, 2009

The Importance of History and the Cycles of Life!

I am writing this post on a National holiday, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  Although MLK, Jr. was a co-founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957, he became the front man.  Whatever the reason for his being pushed to the front, it provided us with a holiday.  So if you work for a bank or a court, congratulations, you got a day off.  I actually got a half day off.  I'm wondering what Columbus Day holds for me?  

All joking aside, we are on the eve of the inauguration of President-Elect Obama, one of the most historic times of our lives.  My brothers and I were all born in the 60's.  I was smack dab in the middle, 1965.  MLK had already marched in Washington D.C.; Kennedy had been slain; and I was entirely to young to understand the consequences that were to come from the Vietnam war.  So this event here and now rises to the level that no other event in my life can reach. 

Interestingly, many of you reading this blog are in my shoes as well.  Some a little bit older, some a little bit younger.  Maybe you were too young to understand why we fought in World War II or why Desert Storm was necessary (or not).  But I will wager a bet that you have a more lucid understanding of those historical events and the history that surrounds your life now.  And, as we age and live, patterns start to appear.

Why is this important?  Aside from lying about the house in your pajamas at noon on a national holiday playing Wii or watching A Family Guy marathon, we are making and recording history.  You may not think you are part of it, but if you are alive and breathing, you are definitely part of history.  I cannot thank Obama enough for indirectly providing me with material for my blog.  Nor can I thank MLK enough for giving me time off of work to relax and lounge in my underwear.  

As you unconsciously slide your slippers on the carpet and shock the crap out of yourself on the toaster at 2 pm during an episode of Dr. Phil, take a moment to envision what is going on around you.  Now realize that everything you do influences someone else, like your children, friends or co-workers.  Your resulting influence is carried away to influence others.  It creates history and the cycle of life.  

My grandmother will be 98 years old in May.  Her eyes have seen a lot, including 6 wars, the automobile revolution, the making of the airline industry, and of course historical events which are too numerous to mention here.  She recorded all of her travels around the world, and in doing so recorded history.  She does not store them on a computer and she shares them with everyone.  She taught me a lesson without uttering a word.  Go out, enjoy the world, record history and share.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Crosswalks Have a Purpose!

As they would say on Monty Python's Flying Circus  . . . "Now for something completely different."  This article is not entirely about crosswalks, it's more about  . . . well, I'm not sure what it is about, maybe awareness.  But crosswalks really do have a purpose.  

When people cross the street without using a crosswalk, it can be irksome.  Why should you and I care? Because if a pedestrian gets hit by a driver, it costs time and money for everyone.  It's not as simple as you would think, the driver being responsible and the insurance company handling up on it.  You see, in May while I was out jogging, I utilized a crosswalk. I clearly had a walk symbol and traffic was at a complete stop.  All was fine except when some guy in a rush to get to the burbs decided to make a right turn on red while I was in the crosswalk. Fortunately, he did not completely run me over. And I do mean fortunately, because he was driving an SUV the size of a mini tanker. 

So did he get in trouble? No.  The guy was somewhat of a bully.  He did not render aid nor offer.  After I finally peeled myself off the roadway, and insisted that I needed to get checked out by medical personnel, he finally gave me his contact information.  After pulling those teeth while in a daze and probably shock, I just decided to let go and walk home.  I was tired of fighting.  Sad, that even though, according to the old driver's handbook, I was following all required duties of a pedestrian, that I still could not get any respect.   

$6,000 later, here I am.  I decided to allow things to just happen, and let it run its course through the proper channels.  I was not interested in suing, dealing with more lawyers (the driver is a lawyer), or getting my deposition taken.  It is just too small of a matter for a lawyer to take on because of expenses.  When it is all said and done, neither of us will end up on the plus side.  Only the insurance companies and the medical companies will be compensated, but very little will be left for time lost healing or dealing.

Which brings me to my other point, besides the importance of paying attention when driving near crosswalks, pay attention to who you vote for. How will their legislative record affect your life?  I know, I know . . . you don't have time to worry about that, nor do you care.  In fact, maybe you didn't even vote or you are just worried about the big picture and only vote in Presidential election years.  Consider this, your time is valuable.  If you have the right people working in Congress for you, then your time becomes even more valuable and not wasted.  Remember how I mentioned that hitting a pedestrian (just one small example) costs money?  That is money taken from your pocket, and not so much in my case, as in bigger matters.  For instance, what if the pedestrian is indigent?  I fortunately have the means to pay my medical bills and insurance premiums, but an indigent person does not.  So, we all pay later through taxes and higher premiums.

As the US Congress and many state legislatures start cranking up for the year, keep this in mind how you want to live your life.  For instance, what will affect your time, your bottom line, your happiness?  Is it how insurance companies handle claims, or pedestrian laws?  Maybe it's franchise taxes, and bank rates.  Maybe it is even as simple as living in freedom.

This is one of my favorite websites to check out, and where you can find your US Congressmen and women www.whitehouse.gov.  Also, for fun crazy articles check out the The Drudge Report, www.drudgereport.com.  

AND, if you are interested in where BIN LADEN is hiding out, check out the article link at my "articles you must read."

Carpe Diem!

Monday, January 5, 2009

HELLO 2009!

So you think you had a bad year?  I have read and heard a resounding echo of 'good riddance' to 2008.  Blogs, twitter, articles, op-eds . . . it's every where, we all agree, something (or everything) went awry in 2008.  

When I and the people around me are collectively having a bad day, week, (or year), I usually equate it with a false alignment of the planets creating a pull on everyone's psyche.  For instance, Mars forgot to move for a couple of minutes.  2008 was riddled with misalignment in the universe and caused people to do wacky things.  We overextended ourselves, got greedy, consumed too much, and let it all hang out while still in the midst of a war.  The year was a roller coaster that started several years ago.  Maybe some of our gravity was lost from time to time, causing the roller coaster to speed out of control.  If it were not on tracks and we were not belted in, we would have been propelled into space disintegrating instantly.  Hopefully everyone kept their seat belt on.

But enough is enough.  Now it is time to slow the roller coaster down and peel ourselves from the seats.   I know, I know . . . you lost $20,000 in stocks; your pension has been depleted; your neighbor got a mortgage handout; you are worried about your employment, etc.  These things are not monsters, it's called "change."  And when we are riding at the highest point of the roller coaster, we don't want change.  We are resistant to change.

I can't say that 2008 was bad at all.  No, I did not win the lottery, get a raise, buy a new car, or even pay off all my debt.   I accepted change.  For me (a Virgo), that is extremely hard.  There are many people in my life that will have conflicting opinions on how I handle change, and I'm sure some of them are not flattering.  But now that we are in the throws of change, let's not forget what got us here.  None of the offensive actions of 2008 would have happened if it were not for a collective ignorance of what is going on around us.  But now that we are here, in 2009, it's time to make wiser decisions.

As sure as the days are really short right now, you have probably created (on paper or in your mind) your new year's resolutions.  Consider the following for 2009:

1.  Things will always change.  It may not be for the better at the moment, but you can "change" that.

2.  Consider living by your own commandments (make them short and simple)

3.  Loose the "crap" in your life.  (whatever that may be.  Things, bad jobs, mean people, etc.)

4.  Do something good with the rest of the "crap" in your life.  (sell something, volunteer, fix it up and reuse it.)

5.  And if you almost got propelled into space by the roller coaster, ride a smaller one!

Ending with a lot of upbeat quips like "git 'r done!", Nike's "Just do It" or "The World is a wonderful place" would just want to make everyone puke.  What I will be happy to provide instead is a swift kick in the ass.  So if you are in need, feel free to respond, e-mail, or call.